There are returns and disadvantages of the use of computers.

Saturday, May 22, 2010
Through the internet we may possibly be trained much on any particular subject without delay. It saves much time and bother in looking for relevant books or magazines or articles. And it provides a vast quantity of information and knowledge. Communication is been made very much easier through E mail. It takes away the wasting of time and hazard of letter writing.
One could get in touch with anyone in any destination within a couple of seconds and through Skype one could associate and communicate another who is miles apart just as they were meeting each other face to face. Technology is so advanced that nothing seems impossible. Accounts, drafting, records and many more such tasks are made simpler than doing it manually.
Another advantage in using computers is that work can be done much faster and therefore a lot of time is saved. A large quantity of work can be ready in a limited time period. In the present times when time is so precious because the passing of time is very fast and the quantity of work is very vast, every minute has great estimate. Thus the quickness of working on computers is much appreciated. Computers are more correct and error free.
but there are disadvantages in using computers too. When all the work is done by computers, the manual labor force vital becomes less. Then the unemployment rate rises and causes a major trouble in society. A large number of people will be jobless and desperate while just a handful would be flourishing and successful. Poverty would be wide spread and as a end result there would be much harmful acts and crimes committed just for survival. People’s basic needs won’t be met and there will be a society full of undernourished, unsatisfied individuals. This will be disastrous.
Another facet is that when people keep working with machines for a long period, they too be inclinedto become like machines. They lose the sense of sensitivity and become similar to machines. They become further from each other and the warm love and thoughtfulness will be weakened and faded.
By the interaction of each other this shared love and bondage improves day by day. The experience of been loved and giving love is a thing that makes the human heart thrive.


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